Reissued by Fledg'ling in 2005, and originally released in 1967, Watch The Stars is a remarkable long-lost gem from the mid-'60s British folk revival. A beautiful collection of folk, blues and haikus, the album melds a folk-boom topicality with a fine "beat" sensibility; uniting the Afro-American West Coast with suburban London. Long out-of-print, the record is an early milestone in the careers of Dorris Henderson and John Renbourn. OnWatch The Stars, Dorris and John are joined by the classical guitarist Tim Walker and Danny Thompson (from Pentangle) on double bass. Contains two songs written by Anne Briggs and an early cover of Arthur Lee's "Message To Pretty." For this carefully remastered edition, Fledg'ling have restored all the elements of the original artwork and added several previously-unpublished photographs.