**200 copies** This took forever but here it finally is: after a few failed pressings, a broken back, lost contact, etc.; we are truly sorry we made all you Noor fans wait! Noor, or Nour Mobarak is a Lebanese-American immigrant. Her body acts as a synecdoche for a modern geopolitical condition, one which has experienced compounded war, negotiation, treaties, trauma, and clashing cultural values, and which now must synthesise this experience to heal. Her hybrid cultural identity translates itself into an interdisciplinary art practice. Her works play around with notions of embodied value systems. Noor is involved in writing, filmmaking and acting, organising performances and performing, visual art, and vocal music. Noor’s music is hard to describe, though it sits comfortably somewhere between oddball lo-fi pop and sound poetry. Noor's voice seems deeper than usual, and that's a compliment. Embossed cardboard sleeve with an insert/lyric sheet.