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Colonia Dignidad was the settlement of a German evangelical sect. After being prosecuted for child abuse in Germany, the group fled to Chile in 1961. Like similar religious sects, it was characterized by the outward appearance of a unified, godly community with well-tempered cultural activities and social welfare, but inwardly and in its environment by oppression, sexual abuse, and exploitation. In the 1970s, it unquestioningly inserted itself into Pinochet's regime of terror, aiding in the impr…
Satanic Inventions
*2023 stock. 200 copies limited edition* "Seeing such a political statement on an RLW CD is something I don't recall seeing before. It is about the pandemic and the conspiracy theories that spawned, which I (too) believe is the true disease of our times. "I can read", usually means, "I like to cherry-pick popular notions", and "science is an opinion" is usually said by someone who has no clue as to what science is. Or, as I challenged someone: "How do you prove that all swans are white" to which…
*2023 stock* Views was conceived in January 2003. Recordings were done for track: 1 in January, for track: 2 in February, and for track: 3 and 4 in March 2003. Final Mix: April 2003. All 4 pieces are based on three or four instrumental improvisations by RLW, re-constructed by spontaneous mix afterwards. Track: 1 is recorded with tone-generator (TG 77) using self-programmed sounds. An early version of the sounds had been created for the CD" ACHT (1992). The programs have been designed to be contr…
Rlw (aka Ralf Wehowsky ) whose work deals in the transformation of prerecorded sound material, the permutation of the senses and the metamorphosis of the sensitive, has been a proponent of long distance collaborations for decades, long before lockdown made this manner of working popular. This goes way back to his beginnings with Permutative Distortion or P16.D4 and the Selektion label. He is a strict and disciplined composer, a formal organizer of discernible objects.Tunnel presents five pieces …
All in all Mahlzeit is a collaborative release, but in a special way as some tracks were created by Ralf Wehowsky (of P16.D4 fame) using sounds by TITO and vice versa, but some were just done by one part of the project, assimilalting suggestions from the other part. It mixes electroacoustic composition, early electronic music and bizarre Kraut-era avantgarde.
Agnostic Diaries
The common factor linking these recordings are projects that were never fully realized. The basic recordings started in 2005, however the period of reworking and transformation (2016 to 2017) is more important. All vocal parts and general revisions were done during this period. Agnosticism was the basic idea for the vocal/musical re-working of the pieces with the vocals implanted into the basic pieces, not just as simple overdubs, but inserted in a dialectical confrontation with the basic sounds…
Funeral Parties
When Bhob Rainey had moved to New Orleans late in the first decennium of the 2000´s we were talking about an eventual new collaboration. The idea to work with the confrontation of New Orleans based jazz funeral music versus the european tradition of composed funeral music came up and sank down no later than bhob´s next move - to Philadelphia. Nevertheless i felt fascinated by plunging into the funeral theme and laid down…
Just like a flower when winter begins
Recorded by RLW (Ralf Wehowsky of P16.D4) and srmeixner (Stephen Meixner of Contrastate) between 2010 and 2013. The first emanation of the project came up with two versions of one mutual piece (Sunglasses by rlw, Wishing by srm). The core structural elements of the release can be seen in srm's meditation on sentiment (old hearts) and rlw's textased pieces (Prach-tjunge, Alle, Definition). More instrumentally based are Gummidorf (srm) and Spaßbremse rlw). Beyond this a signment both artists have …
After RLW (Ralf Wehowsky) and PAAK (Peter Kastner) worked (together with Ine Ophof and Jan van Wissen) on the theme 'food' (see CD on Hinterzimmer Records) they both come now to the next basic theme, the religious mania. Basic material for the pieces 'pay the prayer' (RLW) and 'opium 1 - 4' (PAAK) were recordings of prayers and other christian propaganda from TV and records. The vinyl-record is limited to 154 pieces and comes with 3 inserts, one of them is a signed stamp print for enlight…
Seches Abstände
Five dense movements from abstract composer, Ralf Wehowsky, co-founder of the great Wahrnehmungen & Selektion labels. Recorded in 2008.