This fourth Supersilent installment once again features the tantalising quartet lineup of Helge Sten (aka Deathprod), Ståle Storløkken (synthesizer), Arve Henriksen (trumpet), and Jarle Vespestad (drums). If you haven't encountered their work before, Supersilent 4 is a good place to start - a sumptuous arrangements of tracks often described as "Death Jazz", though the title is somewhat misleading. Deathprod's arrangements and production techniques loom large over these amazing pieces, coating the unnervingly wonderful trumpet playing of Arve Henriksen and the endlessly reverberated percussion lines of Jarle Vespestad with an aquatic quality that's hard to define. Take, for instance, the haunting smokey jazz textures of 4.2, a track already shimmering with dark whispering tones, listen closely to the mix and you start hearing obscured voices that not only serve to unsettle but to form part of the percussive structure - inventive and amazingly creepy, so much so that you can even imagine David Lynch switching the lights on for comfort. But that's just one face of supersilent, move on one track and the scenery changes completely - you find yourself surrounded by hyperactive drums and a complete audio meltdown - you just never know what's around the corner. Awesome.