For Pakistan's Jaubi, “A Sound Heart” is the next chapter for the collective both sonically and spiritually, which follows on from their critically acclaimed debut album "Nafs At Peace" (Top 10 Global albums in The Guardian, Best of 2021 albums in Bandcamp) which also received praise from Downbeat and Pitchfork amongst others. “A Sound Heart'' is the next chapter for Jaubi both sonically and spiritually. The title is inspired from a verse in the Holy Qu’ran (26:89) which declares that neither wealth nor children will be of any help to a person on the Day of Judgment "except [those] who will come to God with a sound heart".
The heart in this context is the spiritual Heart (Qalb) for it is our heart which is the basis for our engagement with God. A Sound Heart is sincere, without doubts and free of ignorances, vices and materialistic attachments. Importantly, it refers to a state where the heart is spiritually healthy and content with only God. A Sound Heart’s basis is goodness, rooted in love and in this case, it is love for one’s creator. Everything is done with the sole purpose of pleasing God. This album is therefore in simplistic terms a love album for one’s lover who could represent God, a partner, family or even love for oneself.
The title track is inspired by Bill Evans and a dedication to not only Evans but also to the bandleader’s father who is portrayed on the album cover.
Each side of “A Sound Heart” tries to sonically capture different types of love and different stages of love, with side A (Desire) representing the stage with one yearning and craving for passion whilst Side B (Devotion) is the contemplative and heartfelt section of the album, signifying when one is vulnerable and has the sophistication to look inwards to come to their lover with a purified or sound heart.
This album is dedicated to God…whoever or whatever that means to you