*2024 stock* Dwarf Lift Dwarf is a two-headed cerberus with crumpled masks of celestial rascals. His chirps sound like the call of a freshly deconditioned post-Hawaiian pizza. One mouthful leading to another, creepers and castrated quarterbacks arch perilously over putrid swamps where the spoils of a lucid duty-free tourist languish.
The intentions are clear: to emerge virtuous from the winter of 2020, accompanied by the priest of priests Flavio Bagnasco le Cremovo, aka Cremyeuse, on the double-sided time-space of a night between 4 walls a priori not far apart. The objective is achieved when an infinite loop of tape recorder travels back in time to the miracle of Sainte-Enimie. Cut out, inverted and finally transformed, the quintessence is abused for a few weeks to freeze a unique message, unexpected but now engraved with a claw on the pediment of the niche: Bwa Ba Baw Boi!