2003 release ** All music was completely improvised and not overdubbed. Originally released as a CDr with the same catalogue number, this reissue contains a bonus track. "Tsurubami is yet another side project by the prolific Acid Mothers Temple guitarist Makoto Kawabata, with Temple bassist Hiroshi Higashi and drummer Emi Nobuko. Comprised of improvisational tracks, the first, "Hitsumyo O Gotoshite," recorded at the Acid Mothers Temple studio, begins with a long, slow ambient interlude of shimmering guitars and glissando bass, elementally accompanied by percussion. Over half-an-hour in length, it opens up gradually, becoming more and more discordant and disjointed until it deconstructs itself into a wall of noise. The second offering recorded live is a mere 11 minutes and resembles the Acid Mothers at their most far out. Here are squalling guitars, over-driven basses, feedback, and cacophonous noise. In the maelstrom, which is utter and total, shifting overtones and subtleties are rained on the listener with alarming frequency -- and they are heard whether the volume is high or low -- creating another layer of density to an already impossible textured quilt of color and amplitude. Highly recommended for fans of the band, and a strong caution to those who haven't encountered them before: Start elsewhere."