**300 copies. The leaves assembled on the CD package were collected around the pond where the recording was made.** As in Eisuke Yanagisawa's own words: I set the recorder on the shore and collected it the following day. At midnight, the growling of animals (which turned out to be the sound of bullfrogs, an alien species) reverberated around the pond. Mizorogaike, which consists of a pond and a wetland, is located on the northern edge of the Kyoto Basin. Many aquatic plants, insects, fish, wild birds, and mammals live in this area, some of which are remnant species from the ice age. In recent years, the extinction of native species and the destruction of ecosystems has become a problem because of alien species brought by humans, such as the bluegill. As the wetland lies adjacent to the urban area and the national road, with heavy traffic running along the northwestern side of the pond, one can hear traffic noises (including airplanes) all day and night at the pond. Although it is a common soundscape for us in cities, if you imagine how it was sounded in the ice age, and how it has been changed by now, this chaos can be heard as a layer of sediment of the place.