*2022 stock.* This is unification! Two sides from split LPs — with Body Cargo, and Deathstench respectively — joined into the whole they were always ment to be. "Yours Is A Kingdom of Death" is an exercise in sombre slow-moving death chants, ritualistic in appearance and in intent. A renunciation of the created world; a glorification of the New Man; he who is beyond life and death, existing as pure flame alit in eternal void.
Channeled by ᚦᛟᚦ ᚷᛁᚷ at the 63rd Link, 2013 e.v.
The tracklist on the release itself is wrong. The above tracklist is correct.
Track 1 originally released on Deathstench / Trepaneringsritualen split LP (Malignant, 2013). The original LP-version is 30 seconds longer than the version on this CD.
Tracks 2-4 originally released on T × R × P // Body Cargo split LP (Autarkeia, 2016).
Released in Digipak.