Balanced dynamic monotony with subtle nuances and layered sound production. Clear and detailed constructions in an oblique and dense environment halting to the breaking point of suffocation. Near static insistent walls and compositions where audio shreds, erupts, buries, tense, hammers and feedback. In-your-face abrasive tracks with voiding atmosphere. Focus on panning of left/mid/right channels. Heavy use of mid-to-low end frequencies. Spoken word material consists of honest conversations from Bangkok girls and their johns. No judgmental angle on individuals participating. Material is presented as an artist's objective report and possible obsession on phenomena. Alo Girl delivers to the full with “Bangkok”. A sad, vicious but compassionate window into a world that for most of us is alien and unfathomable. A seldom good HNW/harsh noise album that stands on its own premiss, and conveys its theme and musical content without any cliches. Highly recommended! Material can withstand several broadcasts.'' Notes from Tor Navjord (Where Frost Reign)
Limited edition of 130 copies. The release is housed in a plastic black bag with 5 double side colour inserts.