Big tip! An expedition in sound in 10 sequences: Enfoncement [Deep Sink], Gouffre circulaire [Circular Abyss], Noyau secret [Secret Core], Apesanteur [Weightlessness], Entrailles [Entrails], Four solaire [Solar Furnace], Fissures [Cracks], Mer intérieure [Inner Sea], Éruption [Eruption], Remontée [Ascension].
Labyrinthe ! is not only a very unique piece in Pierre Henry’s masterful repertoire, but also a remarkable demonstration of his compositional skills and musical singularity. Indeed, for this piece, Pierre Henry was deprived of his own, otherwise essential, sonic material. Here, the sounds, provided by GRM collaborators at the time, carry their own distinct stories, sensitivities and qualities. Yet, despite this discrepancy, Pierre Henry’s voice, the breath and dynamics of his own music, quickly appear. Through this sonic maze, a music arises, utterly focused on sounds, their development and their use, which Pierre Henry applies with extraordinary clarity and determination.
’For the first time during my journey and ventures into the world of creation, I dreamt of a breath of fresh air deriving from the electronic realm. ‘Labyrinthe’ emerged as the result. All in all, a collaborative work achieved, overcoming the distance between its sources. The sound cuts from GRM reached me as set of reflections, like ‘cadavre exquis’. Fragments in any order, all on CD, sent by post, 7 composers, 7 colleagues sent me 58 tracks of varying lengths in various keys. This continuity inspired me to create a maze-like musical form, in concentric volumes, all thoroughly intertwining with each other. Above all, my contribution is intended to be harmonic. I take great care in attending to any drifting effects occuring with other sounds. ' Pierre Henry