*2025 stock* This acoustic piano-drums collaboration can be transformed through electronics into a hybrid spatial continuum creating a frictional, nervous symbiosis filled with jolts but also with abrasive and/or restrained fluidity.
After an initial meeting within the N-Ensemble project initiated as a Carte Blanche from the AMR jazz club in Geneva by Nicolas Field in March 2018, Valerio Tricoli (IT, tape Recorder Revox) , Nicolas Field (drums, UK/CH) and Thomas Florin (piano, CH) wanted to develop a new sonic and musical project called « Re-Ghoster », to experiment and distort sound textures in a creative effervescence. This ensemble was designed to also be modular in it’s geometry according to the specific projects and needs, with the name « Re-Ghoster’s platforms of re-connections ».
This trio takes advantage of the specificities and the strong personalities of its members, it also wants to be a vector of exploration for compositional concepts; also taking advantage of improvisation and the spur of the moment. Above all, Re-Ghoster sees itself as great opportunity for development and creation in encounters with other sound artists from all horizons.