** Edition of 50 with a 16 page booklet text by Angela Dimitrakaki ** Arachnesound is feminist sonic technology. It stands for the principles of women-weaving-futures, network building, sonic cyberfeminist attempts to retell historical narratives. arachnesound is an audio collection with 36 compositions around Greek language, sound and feminisms. It is centered around women writers, poetesses and mytholgies to interpret women’s lifes and realities with radical composition. Field recordings, electro-acoustic, electronic, didgital processing, voices are the incredience of these pieces. In the included commissioned essay, Angela Dimitrakaki writes: arachnesound “... is a creative counter-archive of resurrected names and of works by contemporary Greek women poets, or whose words are interpreted poetically.” AGF collaborates with Greek women composers, producers and writers such as Savina Yannatou, Angela Dimitrakaki, Anna Stereopoulou, Dr Maria Papadomanolaki, Maria Arapoglou, Linda Reine Nyongo, Dimitra Ioannou, Konstantina Korryvanti, Ismini Samanidou, Nicoleta Chatzopoulou, Marianna Karakoulaki and Chritina Pitouli to complete the collection. It is AGF’s 5th audio collection of that kind following a German (2010), Finnish (2013), Japanese (2015 and Russian (2019) compilation. remembering and sound.