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Random and Emblematic: The Sound of Space (LP)

Label: Modern Obscure Music

Format: LP

Genre: Electronic

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"It’s a pleasure to bring together, on this album, musicians with whom we feel a very special connection, namely Felicia Atkinson, Büşra Kayıkçı, Carmen Villain, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Pavel Milyakov, KMRU, Ana Quiroga, Abul Mogard and Pedro Vian.
All of them have been very generous in their willingness to participate in an artistic experiment: to build bridges between architecture and music.

Each of these artists chose a space and translated it into a piece of music, and the result is a sonic kaleidoscope through which specific territories can be gazed upon from unexplored points of view. The compositions that make up this compilation are synaesthetic windows through which we can observe with our ears. To look through them, all we have to do is listen and we’ll be able to contemplate, in a unique way, spaces located in such different places as Vilches (Chile), Istanbul (Turkey), Oslo (Norway), Sapporo (Japan), Nairobi (Kenya), London (England), Rome (Italy), Berlin (Germany), or even in imaginary universes.
There are certain parallels between all the arts, but since I began researching this subject—a decade ago now—I’ve come to realize that there is a very solid link between music and architecture. This album delves deep into that thought by exploring the idea of transforming an architectural landscape into a musical soundscape, a creative exercise that has many historical precedents.

To give a few examples, I consider it important to highlight the work of figures such as musician and architect Iannis Xenakis, architects Le Corbusier and Eileen Gray, composer John Cage, philosopher Eugenio Trías, along with sound artist Christina Kubisch. And without forgetting the work on colour and form by Vasili Kandinsky, as well as the pioneering work of electronic music composers such as Pauline Oliveros, Laurie Spiegel—who participated in the PRSNT project—Philip Glass, Steve Reich, and Brian Eno, among others.(...)" - Pedro Vian