Recorded in May 2018, Arc is a Bertrand Denzler’s composition performed by string ensemble CoÔ. Founded by Félicie Bazelaire, CoÔ is a string ensemble bringing together string players of ONCEIM (Orchestre des Nouvelles Créations, Expérimentations et Improvisations Musicales, created and directed by Frédéric Blondy). CoÔ aims to build new directions in instrument research, and create a new repertoire for bowed strings. Félicie Bazelaire works with musicians who are composers and improvisers such as saxophonist Bertrand Denzler with this composition Arc. The fruitful collaboration between musicians and composer helps to organize new ways of playing, and produce minimalist and innovative forms. Score gives priority to specific techniques applied to bowed strings, allowing musicians to experiment rich material, and focus on collective sound potentials.
CoÔ: Patricia Bosshard, violin - Cyprien Busolini, alto - Elodie Gaudet, alto - Anaïs Moreau, cello - Félicie Bazelaire, double bass - Benjamin Duboc, double bass - Fred Marty, double bass.