* 2021 Stock * Jacques Beleuil is the Co-founder of Entr'acte, a sound engineer (who worked, for example, with Dale Cornish, Michael Anaker and Edie Newton) and trans-genre experimentalist. His work speaks for him. "Exit," Bellew's latest release to date, is a kind of key to Jacques' similar attitude toward his own work. The album, as the musician himself notes, was recorded during a period of reinterpretation of Maurice Blanchot's work.
All his life Blanchot defended the idea of the ultimate expression of the author through the work and only through it. In spite of all his political struggles and his refusal to re-read his own handwritten works, he always saw himself and his circle exclusively through the prism of the text. The finished opus meant the death of the act itself and meant nothing more than itself, but remained so in every symbol of its content.
"Exit" is subject to the same close scrutiny. Each unit of time of this electroacoustic improvisation turns out to be no less curious than the whole, which the album's synopsis earnestly asks not to tear up. "Exit" is an album of strikingly shallow listening that requires minimal effort from the person turning it on. It acts like a hit of fine verbiage, and that seems to be the best compliment to music in an era when it has taken on the distracting role previously played by fiction.