** condition: NM/EX (small sticker on spine) ** "Extraordinary and essential archival obscurity from kosmische generator Conrad Schnitzler, capturing the innovator in his most alien and transcendental form. The tracks revolves around a hypnotic and infinitely linear rhythm which Schnitzler gradually develops into glorious astral plumes, increasing with creepy intensity towards some foreboding, unresolved conclusion. Conrad Schnitzler's “The Red Cassette” is one of the most important and one of the first electronic minimalist works that was published in the 1970s. Almost simultaneously with Kraftwerk's groundbreaking “Autobahn”, "The Red Cassette” appeared in 1973. "Kraftwerk might have used similar methods to create rhythm but three decades on, it still sounds like the future." As an original member of Tangerine Dream (1969-1970) and a founding member of Kluster, Conrad Schnitzler is a creator of milestones in the history of electronic popular music. Conrad Schnitzler was one of the true masters of electronic music! This is one of his earliest and rarest solo releases. Issued, by Schnitzler himself, in a very small run."