Likely to have yr eyes rolling into the back of yr skull by the time it’s done with you, ‘The Welt’ combines the energies of notorious sound artist John Duncan and his spars after a congregation at a festival in Porto, 2019, hosted by the Materia Prima crew. Over the course of 30 minutes it ushers a subliminal segue from super spacious, intoxicating drone to denser, spongiform noise, all peppered with electronic scree inducing a bezzzzonked, liminal state of mind that’s right up our ginnel.
John Duncan has remarkably turned to the bleakest, most beautiful cover versions c.20th evergreens in recent years, brings his paranormal sound craft tekkerz to the post-everything duo of iDEAL boss Nordwall and his fellow Swedish noise artist Rylander (The Skull Defekts) in a perfect marriage of unheimlich forces. Neither side of the equation outdoes itself, but holds to a potent slow burn stasis that swerves the spectacular in favour of a clammy, amniotic effect with intractable grip.