Duane Pitre's Varolii Patterns was made with an eight-voice
synthesizer, tuned in just intonation. These consonant pieces explore
shifting polyrhythms that slip in and out of rhythmic focus and "Common Rhythmic Pulses" that carry over as the pattern evolves withina piece.
Artist statement:
"While experimenting with microtonal electronics for a piece I was
writing for Zinc & Copper, which would eventually be titled Pons, I
came across a process-based technique that I was quite keen on.
Although I wouldn't use this technique on the Zinc & Copper piece, I
would later implement said process to make up some of the electronics
on Omniscient Voices. During this time I carried out dozens and dozens
of instances of this process and recorded them all. Varolii
Patterns is composed of a small collection of these recorded takes,
ones I felt were stand alone pieces on their own and that worked well
together as a whole."