2007 release ** "Reinhold Friedl’s “Schoenberg Pierrot Lunaire Cheap Imitation“ is exactly what the title says: an endless funny parody of Schoenberg’s Pierrot Lunaire, a composition often taken far too seriously. At the same time, it is a compositional condensation of Schönberg’s techniques, conducted in a great way by trumpet player Franz Hautzinger from Vienna, a longtime-member of zeitkratzer; sung by the soprano Marcus Weiser, who succeeded already in Berlin as a singer under the name Mark Markowitsch. Just fun, short and concentrated, as it should be connected to the second Vienna school. A commission of Wiener Festwochen, premiered at Konzerthaus Vienna, for sure! The children of Schoenberg and the edition house Universal Musik in Vienna tried to forbid this CD and any further performance of the composition. They did not get the joke, as they have been sure, that it sounds like Schoenberg’s original. So they proved, that Schoenberg could have obtained the same result with much less work. Perhaps Arnold would have smiled…"