** condition: M/M ** "Often described as one the oddities in the Ohr catalogue, Sturmischer Himmel supposed the vinyl debut of Anima, the radical free-music duo of sculptor Paul Fuchs and her wife Limpe Fuchs. Recorded at a "thousand year cottage on a windy hill" and opening with ambience recording of wind and sheeps, the album is an organic collection of improvised atonal pieces ranging from the atmospheric to the wild with much use use of screaming, horns, percussions, ambience recordings, wordless vocals and all kinds of home-made sound devices (Fuchshorn, Fuchszither, Fuchsbass... ). Pure german counter-culture sounds from the early 70's..."
Produziert von Julius Schittenhelm (aur Echo-lette Panmixer). [Produced by Julius Schittenhelm (on Echo-lette Panmixer).] Life concert aufgenommen [Live concert recorded] Impuls Wuppertal, Zocker Solingen, Budike Mönchengladbach. Musik und text von Paul & Limpe Fuchs [on rear Digipak] Text und Musik : Paul & Limpe Fuchs [on inside Digipak and CD] Made in EU Group name is incorrectly credited as "Anima" on spine and CD label. Track duration for track 1 is incorrectly credited as 9:65 on the artwork. Packaged in a 4-panel Digipak. DIGIPAK® Manufactured by Van de Steeg,Holland,under license from AGI,USA