Another favorite from the Haromi Hosono canon. This was the score for the first animated adaptation of The Tale of Genji, a sprawling piece of 11th century literature written by noblewoman Shikibu Murasaki, considered by many to be the first modern novel in recorded history. (Isao Tomita later write his own symphonic adaptation of the story.) The anime was directed by Gisaburō Sugii, and while it only covers a small part of the epic storyline, the score is highly ambitious.
Unlike much of Hosono’s catalogue, here synthesizer mostly acts as an atmospheric texture and instead puts traditional Japanese instruments, particularly koto, flute, and drums, front and center. What’s really astounding about this soundtrack is the layering of instruments, piling them up until they become unfamiliar: droves of fingerpicked strings sound like a hive of insects, waves of gentle hand percussion feel like the swells of inhales and exhales, processed flute suggests the shrieking wind. Despite a pervasive mysteriousness, and even ominousness, this is unmistakably gorgeous music, and structured in such a way that it will appeal to fans of more conventional synthetic ambient music–but retains a feverish futurist-classical elegance all its own.
Original Soundtrack from the animation picture The Tale Of Genji (源氏物語, Genji Monogatari) based on the book written by Lady Murasaki Shikibu. Transliteration: 1 月読 (Tsukiyomi) 2 羅城門 (Rajyoumon) 3 藤壺 (Fujitsubo) 4 朝露 (Asatsuyu) 5 若紫 (Wakamurasaki) 6 御息所 (Miyasundokoro) 7 浮橋 (Ukihashi) 8 結願 (Kechigan) 9 五月雨 - 護摩 - 祈祷 (Samidare - Goma - Kitou) 10 光 (Hikari) 11 木霊 (Kodama) 12 舞