restocked ""three days of silence" is conceived as complete phenomenological experience of listening. i have been three days within the sanctuary of la verna on the top of a mountain called "the mountain of the stigmata" in tuscany. i've lived together with the monks recording and attending the ceremonies and the sounds of the place trying to penetrate in a dimension of pure contemplation. la verna, in latin alvernia and geographically known as monte penna, is a locality on mount penna, an isolated mountain of 1,283 m situated in the centre of the tuscan apennines. the place is known especially for its association with saint francis of assisi (he is said to have received the stigmata here) and for the sanctuary of la verna, which grew up in his honour." (P.Riparbelli)
The original field recordings and the related diary are available as free download on the release page on Gruenrekorder website.