2007 release ** "Nad Spiro (Rosa Arruti), fetish artist on the Spanish experimental music scene, is back with her third solo offering. In Tinta Invisible she goes one step further stretching the sonic reach of her guitar and exploring unfrequented audioZones, using what she calls 'sound camouflage', not shy of employing her voice either. With her we discover new magnetizing horizons in the outer peripheries of electronica pulsing with deeply narcotic cadences. Possibly the least obscure of her three outings to date, in it Spiro plays further with evocations and shadows to create her 'Sound-Fictions': her musical riddles lean more toward movies by David Lynch or stories by Philip K. Dick. Perhaps what these seductive, indecipherable messages we hear really are is internal communications. As we have come to expect from Nad Spiro, Tinta Invisible beggars label or description. It was co-produced by Victor Sol, and includes a special collaboration from Kim Cascone."