You can rely on Holland's Music From Memory imprint to deliver the most entrepreneurial of reissues, and this latest unearthing of Denis Mpunga's lost tapes just about tops their list of best releases. We've been big fans of this label since the start, but coming up with a long-lost cassette LP that sounds as fresh as this is quite a feat for any sort of record label. Originally from Liege in Belgium, Mpunga has been lost in the depths of time, but we can safely say that this album could be from a distant future. Charged with a noticeable Congolese influence, these strange and improvisational post-punk tunes are the most devilish dance experiments that you'll find this week, and perhaps even this year. The whole LP is a perfect balance of abstraction and soulfulness, having the ability to please a whole array of different listeners and music aficionados. If anything, you absolutely must give the sublime groove of "Funyaka" a go. What a record!