1996 release (RARE) ** "This encounter between Japanese mystic guitar/hurdy gurdy/percussion and voice demon Keiji Haino (leader of the power rock trio Fushitsusha) is a free for all of textured noise and plucked and bowed notes -- screaming, yelling, hollering, and percussion-like sounds that have nothing whatsoever to do with rhythm. In fact, to be perfectly honest, it is quite difficult to find a language in which to review a music that has no linguistic precepts at all. When Haino is screaming to Barre Phillips' overtures, he pushes past them, since Phillips can often be subtle and textural. When they are both vocalizing and Haino is employing percussion as a counterpart, it all comes across as a mutant counterpoint. When Phillips is playing his bass with tender arco work, then Haino seems to collapse, fall back, and growl menacingly in low tones."
Recording date: February 1, 1996. Made in Japan.