1993 release ** "Between 1963 and 1973, because there were almost no instrumentalists who I could interest in my music, I wrote very little instrumental music, contenting myself with making taped pieces, often for dancers. Since then I have been fortunate enough to find players for whom to write. At the same time, I have seen developing in my music what I think is really a revolutionary system of tonality. It is a system with all the structural, rhetorical and affective capabilities of classical tonality, but without the dependence on the triad. It can, however, accommodate itself to and appropriate itself the materials and usages of tradition tonal practice just as tonal music can make use of the materials and ways of modal counterpoint. It uses a twenty-four-note scale, which, like the diatonic, is both asymmetrical in shape, and transposable, so as to begin on any step as an equally spaced chromatic (in this case, the seventy-two notes mentioned above). I have published descriptions of it in Computer Music Journal, vol. 12, no. 4, and Perspectives of New Music, vol. 29, no. 1 for those interested in knowing more." — Ezra Sims