*In process of stocking* “Eternal Triangle was a dream come true: bringing together two of my favourite musicians in the whole world with me on the stage of AngelicA. Two musicians capable of encompassing both the most earthly and natural and the most rarefied and cosmic dimensions of sound, spontaneously and often seamlessly. Drawing from inspiration and life experience. We certainly didn’t know this performance was going to be Toshinori Kondo’s last one outside of Japan, and his last concert with a band. This is why in opening the files to work on the mixing we were struck by the sensation of a journey into the unknown and by the fact that it was Kondo-san’s trumpet that was guiding us onto this path. Once or twice every few thousand concerts one gets the impression of having touched “that thing”, the inexpressible, which gives meaning to the rest of time, to the rest of the journey. Like the efforts of the mythological alchemists’ lab. This, which remained the first and only concert of Eternal Triangle, was indeed one of those rare moments of coronation.” - Massimo Pupillo