Lifework: A Unity presents the works of American composer Philip Corner (born in 1933). Corner's production has been chronologically and thematically organized in five parts, which serve as the basis for Ensemble Hodos' efforts. Each part was the subject of a concert between 2011 and 2013, all of them in collaboration with Philip Corner. This disc is the 2nd volume - and first to be released - of this project. The disc covers the years 1960-75, when Corner, just back from Europe, took an extensive part in the New York Fluxus scene, and started to experiment with graphic notations, indeterminacy, performance pieces and happenings. The pieces in this volume are all in their own way challenging the notions of traditional music theory : Crash Actions and its companion piece In Intimacy - Pulsation are both dealing in a great variety of ways with the concept of pulsation ; Punkt as the title implies is only points, isolated sounds ; wheras Compare with 'Exquisitely Sloppy Om' is one the many developments of Corner's explorat_io__n_s _o_f _o_n_e_ _so_und. Ensemble Hodos, directed by Sébastien Beliah and Pierre-Antoine Badaroux, has been working on giving a voice to composed music that hardly fits in categories: pieces that involve the performer in an unusual way, where the composed rubs shoulders with the improvised. Since 2008, the ensemble has been performing music by Philip Corner, Roman Haubenstick-Ramati, John Cage, James Tenney, Christian Wolff, Hannes Lingens, Florian Bergmann, Pierre-Antoine Badaroux or Joan Bages i Rubi, among others. When possible, the musicians are working in close relationship with the composers, either when performing pieces from a historical perspective or playing new compositions dedicated to them.