** condition: (cassette/cover) NM/EX ** Cassette with printed labels and cover.
"This is the first official Bel Canto Orchestra recording. Prior to this, Pascal Comelade produced solo electronic music on AKS/EMS synth. ‘Milano Enarmonisto’ can thus be considered a transition release, with one side featuring the newly launched Orchestra, while side B collects tracks created on his own by Comelade, mixing electronic, real and toy instruments. Comelade first included toy instruments in his music on the 1983 ‘Logique Du Sens’ Tago Mago cassette, where Cathy Claret is on flute and toy piano. The Bel Canto side has everything one could expect from such mavericks: minimalistic, awkward melodies on grand piano and assorted instruments. The solo side starts with a Suicide-like electronic loop, on which PC adds melodica notes. Other tracks feature more typical Comelade ingredients: guitar, piano and toy piano."