"Ilog3 was recorded only a little more than a year after the epic Ilog2 session. In-between the two album releases the duo has performed a few high profile festivals like Jazz Em Agosto in Lisboa, A’Larme in Berlin, Meaksuma in Eupen or La Nature in Wallonie. While Ilog3 originally was only intended to be a video shooting session the duo put down another suite of incredible music and decided to release it in triple format as DD, CD and LP. The music is a succession of densely improvised electro-acoustic mayhem, highly abstracted and chopped up beats and surreal textures.
Schick and Steidle follow the path they started to engage in on Ilog: multilayered and thus poly rhythms of the drums contrasted with the rapid crosscut tricks and beat jugglings of the turntables. Steidle who in the meantime armed up with two new midi controller pads integrated in his drum kit with which he can control in a much more fluid and virtuoso way his portion of samples, while Schick for this session brought in a stack of new and quite „ lubby" vinyls which he chops up in his brutalist way not worrying at all about any of the known/classic scratching conventions. Ilog3 comes in two versions, a long extended suite for the CD, and a compact compressed version for the LP. Best if you simply get both to enjoy the different constructions and the each time unique flow of this rather crisp display of music.“